On with the show

So we’re back. The summer is finally over and the latest adventure into graphic design has plunged into motion graphics, videos, after effects, media encoder, .mov .mp4, render queues, hairy pears, printmaking and poppies. I’m glad to have some direction again, even if it is quite dauntingly new.

As an exercise we had to research and summarise a video/ article about Stefan Sagmeister. Among a bit more background research I watched ‘Don’t take Creativity for Granted’ an 11 minute film which takes a tour through a range of Sagmeisters work based in New York and Indonesia design studios, which was published in 2012. To develop critical writing we’ve been asked to summarise it in no more than 100 words.



(video link)

Stefan Sagmeister. Don’t take Creativity for Granted. (2012)

This takes us on a quick tour through a variety of Sagmeisters design projects originating from a personal diary reflection noting ’over time I get used to everything and start taking it for granted’ prompting Sagmeister to do things he’d never done before in NY. Video clips expose inventive, brave, dangerous, elaborate and most importantly provocative typographical based work which show Sagmeister pushing the boundaries, challenging himself but equally our perceptions of design and designers. He talks us through complex typographic experiments in spiders webs and altogether more relaxed typography using melons, grain and bananas emerging from the Indonesia studio.  (100 words)


The word limit of 100 words was pretty hard going – with difficulty I just got in there, but there was a lot more I wanted to say.

My first summary based on  jotted notes while watching the video was easier and shorter (17 words)-







risk taking




self important

pushing boundaries




I’m off to read more about Mr Sagmeister. I think there is a lot to learn from him, as well as the blatant design skills and incredible typographical creativity  he serves to remind us to not stop believing in ourselves and have the courage to try something new, stand out and swim against the tide. Take risks.  Explore.  Be a bit more self centred, be destructive, provocative,  be dangerous. Don’t take things for granted.