Briefly … a bit about the new brief

Professional Practice and Work Based Projects : PDP folio for life

Well… sounds interesting doesn’t it. I think I like the working title ‘the lifeman’ better. It better eludes to what this next brief is about – learning lifemanship skills. Those little things that can’t be taught only experienced and reflected on and learnt from, both good and bad, that go to subtly making you better at what you do – vague enough? More importantly they are skills not only relevant to graphic design but arguably more importantly help in the wider context of work.

‘The lifeman’ is Stephen Potter’s term for a person who practises lifemanship; one who is skilful in acquiring an advantage or ‘edge’ over another’. Potter (1900 – 1969) was a British author best known for his parodies of self-help books, and their film and television derivatives…… mostly involving the -upmanship suffix. think lifemanship gamesmanship and oneupmanship, twoupmanship etc etc.  It would be interesting to read some of his work, especially to see if what he wrote around 1950 can be as useful today.

I’m 37 now. I am an incredibly reflective person (at times unhelpfully so, in an over thinking, second guessing, double bluffing, self depreciating type of way). This brief begins with looking at ourselves. Where we are, and where we want to be. I think the how comes later.

We completed a quick exercise looking at ourselves and documenting where we are starting from. Our own personal baseline mix. We had to choose out of a list of statements which ones apply to us and categories them into definitely, maybe (sometimes) and not at all. Here’s mine.


Its made me think over the last few days – theres a lot of statements to address here, but in particular I’d like to concentrate on making the most of my time – looking at the usual organisational stuff/ time management/ priorities but more importantly making the most of opportunities when they do arise, taking the chances, being flexible, being decisive, make it happen and developing the creative confidence for my work to reflect who I am – oh and getting organised. I’m probably not the only creative that runs a mile from the order and organisation of paperwork, but I need to try.



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